independent work


self-portrait project

A self-portrait project devised as a result of my ‘Ring of Fire’ ADD diagnosis in 2023. ‘Speed of useless thought’ was an underlying theme. Being present in several different places and times at once.

The approach follows my regular process of redeveloping portrait photography with generative AI tools. In this case, authentically shot moving image is reworked and edited using traditional rotoscoping techniques. I’ve found that AI generative art follows very much the same creative process as my own, with a dozen nonsensical ideas or executions drawn from the far subconscious, for every one of merit. A second brain making sense of the first.

AI tools:

Runway ML image to image/video to video gen

Kling AI image to video gen

Midjourney Image gen

Don’t Worry About me (trailer)

film project

Mokhtar, a London cabbie, is in the grips of an escalating addiction, further enabled by the world he encounters nightly at work. One evening, a young couple accidentally leave something behind, leading him on a trip in which the lines between reality and unreality soon become blurred.

My first ‘Total AI’ film project, made for the launch of Runway ML’s gen 3, Image to Video upgrade this year. All imagery and voices are 100% generated. The unpredictability and randomness of an experience with hallucinative drugs can be extremely difficult to portray, especially with a clear and conscious intent. What generative AI can bring in this instance is a ‘roll of the dice’ to, in this case, twist a film treatment and create visualisations that can very often surprise the person prompting it.

AI tools:

Midjourney Image generation

Runway ML image to video generation

Eleven Labs Voiceover